
Lynnwood Retrievers

Lynnwood’s Pearl Handled Colt

Colt is a loving, kind dog. 

We are fortunate to have him as part of our family.


          His concentration is extreme on everything



                                Colt’s extraordinary ability to perform in the filed as been passed on to many of his offspring. 

His sound temperament, trainability and intelligence has been passed on to his generations.

Colt’s ability to perform is beyond any other dog.  His body is complete muscle and a force to be recon with.  Colts pedigree, Ten Bears Curly Bill JH, and Watermarks Bit Of The Boss are of the top in the country.


Colt is one of a kind Labrador Retriever 

He is work in the field and a loving companion in the home. His tail always wags.  He would climb in your pocket if he could!


You can see the focus and determination Colt possesses.  He has so much more to offer in the field..

Colt’s long and intensive training makes him the awesome Lab he is today.

Many thanks goes to our dear friend Reed…